Some of these articles were originally published in Dutch on

Is it time for Doctors to prescribe vibrators?
Nienke Helder Nienke Helder

Is it time for Doctors to prescribe vibrators?

The vibrator industry frequently asserts the positive impact of its products on pelvic health. While this claim seems logical, there is limited scientific evidence supporting it. The belief in vibrators enhancing individual pleasure exists, but their application for pelvic problems remains insufficiently explored.

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How many nerve endings does the clitoris really have?
Nienke Helder Nienke Helder

How many nerve endings does the clitoris really have?

The clitoris remains underrepresented, both in sexual education and research. For years, it was claimed that the clitoris had around 8,000 nerve endings. However, this research was conducted not on humans but on cattle. Our own Ellen Laan already pointed out that the number was incorrect. Unfortunately, it was unclear how many nerve endings were actually present. But here's some good news: a recent study indicates that the average number is 10,281. For comparison, the entire palm of the hand contains about 17,000 nerve endings.

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